ASCII Value in C

ASCII Value in C


 In computer programming, characters are represented internally using numeric codes, allowing computers to understand and manipulate text-based data by assigning a unique number to each character.

 The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a character encoding standard used to represent text in computers and communication equipment.

 The ASCII system is a character encoding standard widely used in computer programming.

 In ASCII, each character is mapped to a distinct numeric value.

For example, in computer programming, the character 'C' is represented internally as the number 67 according to the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

C Program to Find the ASCII Value of 'A'  

int main()
    char ch ='A';
    int ascii_value= a;
    printf("ASCII Value of %c is %d\n",ch, ascii_value);
    return 0;


 ASCII Value of A is 65
In this example, we first assign the character 'A' to ch, and then we convert it into its ASCII value by assigning it to an integer variable called ascii_value.

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