goto Statement in C Language

goto Statement in C Language


 goto statement in C is a tool that allows you to jump directly to a specific part of your code, bypassing the usual order of execution.

 It's like a shortcut that helps you skip forward or go back to a different section of your program.

It is often considered a bad practice because it can make code hard to understand and debug.

goto statement in C Explanation 

Syntax of goto statement in C Language 

goto label;
label is a predefined identifier.


// Program for goto statement in C
int main()
	int A = 1;
	printf(" A = %d\n", A);
	goto start;
	return 0;

A = 1
A = 2
A = 3
A = 4
A = 5

In this code, we have used goto to jump back to the start, printing 1 to 5.

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