Exit() function in C

Exit() function in C


The exit function in C is used to terminate a program execution immediately.

It allows you to exit a program gracefully by returning a status code to the operating system.


void exit(int status);

status: An integer value representing the exit status of the program.

Types of exit

1 Normal Exit: exit(0) or exit(EXIT_SUCCESS)

2 Abnormal Exit: exit(EXIT_FAILURE)


1 Normal Exit


int main() {
    printf("Program will exit normally.\n");
    printf("This line won't be executed.\n");


Program will exit normally.

2 Abnormal Exit


int main() {
    printf("Program will exit abnormally.\n");
    printf("This line won't be executed.\n");


Program will exit abnormally.

Importance of Exit Function in C

Graceful Termination: Allows the program to shut down in an organized manner.

Cleanup: Useful for performing cleanup tasks like closing files or freeing memory before exiting.

Exit Status: Provides a way to communicate the exit status to the calling environment or parent process.

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