strcpy() in C

strcpy() in C


The strcpy() function in C helps to copy one string into another. It's like duplicating a string.

When you want to copy a message from one place to another, strcpy() comes in handy. It's found in the library, which provides tools to handle text.

Syntax of strcpy() 

char *strcpy(char *destination, const char *source);

destination: It's where you want to put the copied string.

source: It's the string you want to copy from.

Example of strcpy():

// program for strcpy()
int main() {
    char originalMessage[] = "Hello, friend!";
    char copiedMessage[20]; // We need a place to store the copied message.
    strcpy(copiedMessage, originalMessage); // Making a copy.
    printf("Original Message: %s\n", originalMessage);
    printf("Copied Message: %s\n", copiedMessage);
    return 0;


Original Message: Hello, friend!
Copied Message: Hello, friend!

Advantages of strcpy() Function 

 Simplicity: strcpy() makes copying strings easy. It's like using a photocopier.

 Efficiency: It's built to work fast and smoothly, handling copying tasks efficiently.

 Compatibility: strcpy() is a standard tool, meaning it works the same across different systems and computers.

 Versatility: It can copy strings of any length, from short messages to long paragraphs.

 Return Value: The strcpy() function provides a pointer pointing to the destination string after the copy operation. It's like a note telling you where the copy is stored.

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