Intelligence Quotient - IQ

Intelligence Quotient - IQ

by Deepak Kumar

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IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. It is a measurement of human's intelligence and expressed in a number. Thus, IQ is a score derived from a set of tests developed to measure a person's cognitive abilities in relation to their age group. It was first coined by the German psychologist William Stern in 1912 to identify students that needed special help with school curriculum. A person's IQ can be calculated by having the person take an intelligence test. The average IQ is 100. If someone achieves a score higher than 100, that person is smarter than the average person, and a lower score means he/she is less smart.

IQ Formula:

It is calculated by first dividing the mental age of an individual by physical health and then multiplying it by 100. 

IQ=(Mental Age)/(Chronological age) X100 

IQ Instance:

Take an example of 20-year-old individual answers the questions like an average 20-year-old.  

Age of the person is: 20 years 

Age of the brain (typical or average): 20 years 

IQ=20/20 X100 


So, we can also conclude that the average IQ of an individual is 100.

Highest IQ in the World:

Here is the highest IQ score ever recorded in the world

IQ Score
Stephen Hawking
Albert Einstein
160 - 190
Judit Polgar
Philip Emeagwali
Garry Kasparov
Christopher Michael Langan
190 - 210
Edith Stern
Kim Ung-Yong
Terence Tao
225 - 230
William James Sidis
250 - 300
Christopher Hirata
Marilyn Vos Savant

Note: IQ is different from Intelligence.

Benefits of IQ Test:

Testing Behaviors: Since it is the best way to get an overall view of human behavior, this provides insight into how different people learn based on IQ test.

Academic Achievement: IQ test allows school districts and teachers to determine the ability of a child and therefore will be able to place in a classroom according to its learning skills.

Social Benefits: As we know IQ test can identify the potential for academic achievement, schools can employ student's best capability in the field they are talented in and put them into a suitable course. This helps a society keep a steady supply of people making their life better.


IQ is nothing but the number that a person scores after taking standardized tests to measure the intelligence level. 

A person having highest IQ doesn't mean to have the greatest intelligence for instance world's famous physicist Sir Albert Einstein's IQ score may not be so good but his ability to understand the world is unimaginable and there is no scientific method to calculate his actual IQ.

The general score of 95% of the population ranges between 70 to 130.

According to the research, people who have a score higher than 145 are considered geniuses.

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