10 SEO Terms Every blogger should know
by Gagan Gaba
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SEO is that important acronym that every person related to the digital marketing should know because the entire world of digital marketing relies on this one term to a great extent. Though the world of SEO is ever evolving and something new is making its arrival on a daily basis and it becomes tough to keep up the pace with the changes, there are a few terms that have been able to retain its importance and effectiveness even in today's time.
10 SEO Terms Every blogger should know
There are 10 SEO terms that are so important that not a single person would avoid if relating to the world of digital marketing and these are most important if you are a blogger and have taken blogging as your full item activity. So, here are those 10 SEO terms that every blogger should know.
a) Anchor text:
Anchor text is technically the anchor to the link. It is used to build the hypertext link from one site to the other. The 'click here' links that we see on any website is the anchor text.
b) Backlinks:
In terms of SEO, backlinks are equivalent to gold. They are the hypertext link from one website to another. Search engines use number and quality of backlinks to a particular site as a voting mechanism to help with assigning SERP ranking.
c) Keywords:
These are the words entered into the search engine by a user as well as the words that the search engines use to determine the topic of a given web page. Popular keywords and high volume key phrases seem pretty simple and direct.
d) Meta tags:
They are descriptor tags in HTML programming. Although they don't have an effect on the SERPs, they can help increase click-through rates since they do show up in the search results. Like the title tags, unique and relevant Meta tags including call-to-action can totally change a web site's ranking.
e) Duplicate content:
They can turn out to be devastating for your SEO program, especially with Google's latest Panda update. A good way to ensure that your site is free from any duplicate content is to use a service that identifies and sources it for you.
f) Canonical URL:
They are used in cases with duplicate content. By using them, you are able to specify which page should get priority in the search engines. While there is no guarantee to this, it is the best thing you can do on having multiple pages with very similar content in them.
g) Search engine algorithm:
This 'magic formula' is the topic of much conjecture and debate in the SEO world. These mathematical formulae or algorithms are designed for the search engines to find, rank and place the websites in the SERPs.
h) Indexing:
It's the method used by search engines' to collect and store data on the web. Whenever a newly updated page is found, the search engines 'index' it and add a copy of it to their database for ease in retrieving it during searches.
i) 301 redirect:
When a page which is deleted or the URL is changed is searched for, 301 redirects display another active web page, as well as indicates that the old web page is moved to a new location.
j) Rel="author":
It is the Google's Authorship Markup. It's a tag that associates the authors with their Google+ profiles, giving a face to your brand. It has many benefits including an increase in the click-through rates.
So, if you haven't made yourself acquainted with these 10 important terms, go on searching their importance today.

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