How to Increase Traffic on Social Media?
by Gagan Gaba
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Social media has transformed itself from being a place where people share their thoughts and their daily activities and has become a platform for the business owners to promote their business and services.
If you are already implementing your strategies to become a brand and promote your business on social media, then the second thing you must have been pondering about is how to increase traffic on social media.
Today, based on researches and analysis, we are sharing some of the powerful tips on how to increase traffic on social media.
a) Conversion Keywords
Just like the search engines, there are certain keywords that work more efficiently on the social media networks and engage more readers than usual. Those contents inserted with these keywords are likely to get more clicks and shares. Using these keywords will get you more readers and traffic.
b) Use Hashtags
Hashtags are the new thing in the social media world and you must have come across posts that use hashtags. It actually highlights the posts and attracts readers. But, there is something better and important about the hashtags than just being the new thing to try your hands on. It expands the reach of your posts just beyond your regular followers and readers and gets accessed by many others. If you are just using one or two hashtags, it too will increase the effectiveness of your posts. You can implement it on almost every social media networks.
c) Use Visual Content
Social media has been created with the intention of sharing visual, and it is nowhere wrong if you are just walking the path for the right means. When you use visual contents, it attracts more readers and traffic than the times when you just posted plain text contents. People love to see thing than reading it. So, try to add couple of images in each of your posts and that too on all your social media networks.
d) Identify the Right Channel
To get great amount of traffic to you social media posts or blogs, you don't only need to share the worthy and relevant content, but also need to discover the mode and channel from where you are getting the maximum traffic. You can use the same channel to promote and share more.
Use short updates
It is a common believe that writing short contents and updating it on the social media platforms can attract more and more readers and visitors to your page. Long posts tend to bore readers most of the times. So, try to go with the short updates, but filled with proper information about a certain thing.
Create content worthy to share
Even the content you are writing to share on the social media has a role to play in maintaining the impression for your website. Make sure you are creating content worthy enough to share on the social media sites, and give readers something worthy to read, and they are motivated enough to share that same content.
Identify the popular contents
If you intend to get more readers, make sure you know how the top contents are doing and what are they like. Read them, study them, and try to create content in a similar manner. It will help you getting the similar audience as well, and your website will get popular with the maximum number of likes on your posts and shares too.
Try these few steps and see the impact on your social media networks and the popularity of your company.

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