by Pooja Khurana
0 3879
When we condense a word or expression, we abbreviate it. Contractions can be framed from the main letters of the word or expression. In particular, Abbreviations are shorter spellings of words and expressions we utilize each day.
Some Common Abbreviations are listed below:
CC | Carbon Copy |
Pd. | Paid |
PTO | Please Turn Over |
PR | Public Relation |
PA | Personal Assistant |
p.a. | Per Annum |
Ltd. | Limited Company |
NA | Not Applicable |
p.w. | per week |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
Inc. | Incorporated |
C.O.D | Cash On Delievery |
Mr. | Mister |
Dr. | Doctor |
E.g. | For Example |
Ad. | Advertisement |
Km. | Kilometer |
Exam. | Examination |
Pic. | Picture |
U.S.A | United States of America |
Ny | New york |
Corp. | Corporated |
Min. | Minute |
Hr. | Hour |
Sec. | Second |
Thx. | Thanks |
Rd. | Road |
St. | Street |
Ste. | Suite |
Ln. | Lane |
Govt. | Government |
Mil. | Miltary |
Jr. | Junior |
Sr. | Senior |
RN | Registered Nurse |
AM | Ante Meridiem |
PM | Post Meridiem |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
Misc. | Miscellaneous |
Prog. | Program |
Mkt. | Market |
Dept. | Department |
Fig. | Figure |
Img. | Image |
No. | Number |
Sq. | Square |
Vs. | Versus |
Adj. | Adjective |
Adv. | Adverb |
Obj. | Object |
Sub. | Subject |
Pl. | Plural |
Sing. | Singular |
Syn. | Synonym |
N | North |
S | South |
E | East |
W | West |
St. | Saint |

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