What is the Role of Social Bookmarking in SEO?

What is the Role of Social Bookmarking in SEO?

by Gagan Gaba

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If you consider yourself to be an active online marketer, then by this time, you must have realized the importance of SEO in the world of internet marketing and its benefits as well. SEO is umbrellas that take in many different practices that make your website reach the heights by getting better results in the search engine results. Amongst many practices you are implementing, social bookmarking is something that has an important role to play in the entire SEO practices.

What is Social Bookmarking?
Social bookmarking is considered a powerful technique and is an effective promotional application for your website. It helps you to bookmark some sites and that you can do by tagging some keywords in them. Social bookmarking helps to set up, discuss and shop for the actual bookmarks. You have to first register in any of the social bookmarking sites and then you will be eligible to add tags and protect the actual bookmark on public places or private places depending on the option of your website.

What is its role in SEO?
Social bookmarking has its role to play in SEO and is important. To make you know more about its importance in SEO, we are discussing below some of its important points.

a) Social bookmarking helps people mark their favorite website. If you have found an interesting website which you think has relevant information and think of reading the most of it at that very point. But, when you bookmark the URL of the website with social bookmarking, you can easily visit the website anytime you feel like reading and exploring more.

b) With the help of social bookmarking, you can not only bookmaker your favorite website but also can know about other websites that other users have find interesting. Most sites are now allowing the users to browse through the tagged sites depending on their popularity.

c) If you are optimizing your website with the social bookmarking, then your website is likely to receive 50% more traffic than it did when you were implementing the practice of social bookmarking.

d) Social bookmarking give way to other people to tag your website in their posts and driving more traffic to your website conditioned you are doing the same.

For now, knowing these much capabilities of the GTM, you must consider its practices on your website.

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