Search Engine Ranking Factors
by Gagan Gaba
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Search engine is that important medium on which the people rely on searching for any or everything. This search engine is again responsible for making your website get better ranks in the search engine results. If you think that owning a website and doing what everyone is doing is all enough for you, the you may have been mistaken as search engines are constantly evolving and follows its own system. The search engines work on different factors and if you are not aware of these factors that are changing too, then the chances of getting to the top list of the search engine results may seem a difficult task.
Today, we are sharing some of the important search engine factors that will help you to discover the ways to appear in the top list of the search engine results.
a) Backlinks
Backlinks is always regarded as the most important factor of the search engines working and indexing the results. If you have a number of domains that have linked to the page have a major role to play in the ranking factor.
b) Link Authority
It has been made very evident in many of the surveys that link authority acts as an important search engines working factor.
c) Content
Content again acts as a major factor in the working of the search engines. The more relevant topic is likely to get the best results. Hence, if you publish relevant contents then it will be a benefit for your website. It also has been said that the longer contents get better results than the shorter ones. Displayed in another survey, it has been observed that the average words contained in the content appearing in the Google first page is 1800 and more words.
HTTPS is another important search engine working factors and Google itself has confirmed the fact.
e) Contents with Images
Content that has at least one image added is likely to perform better in the search engine results than the one having no images at all.
Well, these are just a few factors that are known to be the best for the search engine working, but there are plenty of other factors that are responsible for the search engine working

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