What is JPG, PNG Image Format | Differences between JPG PNG

What is JPG, PNG Image Format ?


What is JPEG Format ?

JPEG Format is very common format for images, its default format for digital cameras and other photographs capture devices. JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. Almost, all the editable images software give the permission to JPEG format. JPEG format is a lossy compressed file format.

What is PNG Format ?

PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. It was designed for alternative of GIF format for a variety of reasons having to do with alpha channel, gamma correction, improved interlacing and better compression ratios. PNG format is basically works as a transparent. For example if you want to show any image on the front of another image, so we use png format, because through this format you can show easily.

See above image, there is first image in white background, that is JPEG format, and another one is png format. Through this format you can see background easily. and almost this format is use for websites, blogs etc also. Almost developers use png and gif format for web development.

There are five primary image types in PNG, including grayscale (up to 16-bits), True-color (up to 48-bits), indexed-color (palette-based, 8-bit, 256 colors), grayscale with alpha and True-color with alpha.

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