What is Cloud Server || Cloud Server Introduction

What is Cloud Server?


There have been a great progress in the field of technology and there isn't any doubt that the advent of the internet has brought a great change in the way we do all our works as compared to the previous time. Talking about Cloud Server, it is one of the technologies that have been widely used worldwide, and there are some great advantages of using it. Read along to know more about it.

A cloud server is basically a logical server that can be built, hosted or delivered via platform of cloud computing over the Internet.  It may also be called a virtual server or virtual private sever.

When you are going to Opt-in for Rental Cloud Servers you will get a virtual rental Cloud Server rather than a Physical Server. They are to be paid on the per hour Basis also depending upon the bandwidth required on the particular time period.

Here are the types of hosting:

Shared Hosting:

It is the cheapest option for you if you are starting up. In shared Hosting your servers are shared between the hosting provider's clients. Another website will be hosted on the same server with your website which can affect the speed of your website. This has several disadvantages including the fact that the setup is very confusing & inflexible and it cannot deal with a large amount of traffic.

Cloud servers:

It can be easily configured to provide best performance, on the basis of security and you can control similar to those of a dedicated server but instead of being hosted on any other physical hardware that is only dedicated to you and to your website which can help you more.

Dedicated Hosting:

In this hosting is more advanced form of hosting; In Dedicated Hosting clients can purchase whole physical servers to fulfill their business needs. It means that the entire server is fully dedicated to them with no other clients sharing it. In some cases the client can also utilize multiple servers which are all dedicated for them. Dedicated servers does allow for full control over hosting.

Dedicated servers are very helpful for large businesses, So many organizations which required high levels of data security, web security or some organizations that have huge demand of running all of their websites & servers for 24x7x365.

What are the key benefits of cloud Servers?

  • It is very flexible and easily scalable with extra resource and can be easily accessible.
  • It is very Cost-effective and also User Support is being available whenever Required, You only have to pay for what you are using at a particular time.
  • You can Setup Cloud servers very easily and it does require initial setup only.
  • Cloud Servers are very reliable due to huge number of servers which are available, if your servers face any kind of problems, all your resources will be shifted to another so that your site and data are usually unaffected.

Hope this piece of writing will prove helpful to you! We always happy to serve you.

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