How to change the background color in PHP | Coding Tag

How to change the Background Color in PHP


Now you can easily change the background color of your website or blog through PHP. Through PHP Language you can change dynamically.


<title>Dynamic Background Color Change</title>

<body bgcolor="<?php
if (isset($_POST['btn']))
echo $p=$col;
echo $p="#ffffff";

<form action="" method="post" >
<strong> Choose Color to Change Background :- </strong>
<select name="t1">
<option value="">Choose Color </option>
<option value="#000000"> Black </option>
<option value="#0000ff"> Blue </option>
<option value="#a52a2a"> Brown </option>
<option value="#00ffff"> Cyan </option>
<option value="#006400"> Dark Green </option>
<option value="#808080"> Grey </option>
<option value="#008000"> Green </option>
<option value="#ffa500"> Orange </option>
<option value="#ffc0cb"> Pink </option>
<option value="#800080"> Purple </option>
<option value="#ff0000"> Red </option>
<option value="#ffffff"> White </option>
<option value="#ffff00"> Yellow </option>
<input type="submit" name="btn" value="Submit">


Alternative method

We can also do it by using AJAX which makes it more attractive and user-friendly.

Step 1 Create a file color.php and put the given code there.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<body class="body">

<div class="container">
<h2>Dynamic Background Color Change using AJAX</h2>

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/formdata" style="width:40%">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="username">Choose Color to Change Background :-</label>
<select name="t1" class="form-control t1">
<option value="">Choose Color </option>
<option value="#000000"> Black </option>
<option value="#0000ff"> Blue </option>
<option value="#a52a2a"> Brown </option>
<option value="#00ffff"> Cyan </option>
<option value="#006400"> Dark Green </option>
<option value="#808080"> Grey </option>
<option value="#008000"> Green </option>
<option value="#ffa500"> Orange </option>
<option value="#ffc0cb"> Pink </option>
<option value="#800080"> Purple </option>
<option value="#ff0000"> Red </option>
<option value="#ffffff"> White </option>
<option value="#ffff00"> Yellow </option>
var color=$('.t1').val();
type: "post",
url: "ajax.php",
data: "color=" + color,
success: function(data) {

Step 2 Create a file ajax.php and put the given code there.

echo $_POST['color'];


Related Topics:

CSS3 Color
Bootstrap Text Color
Bootstrap Text Background Color

As you can see changing the colors of your website isn't that tough but it is utterly important to do it. The color of your website also plays a very important role in attracting an audience.

If your users don't like the colors they see, it is very unlikely that they are returning back. So, use the following code to change the colors of your website and make it look more attractive to your users.

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  1. Vikrant Nov 11, 2021

    helpful code