Top 15 Shortcut keys

Top 15 Shortcut keys

by Devender

1 2948

A Computer shortcut is basically a set of one or more keys which when pressed will invoke a command in software or an operating system. Shortcut keys are known to make our work easy by making us more productive and also save a lot of time. Today, we will be discussing the top 15 shortcut keys which every computer user must know.

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Top 15 Shortcut keys:

Shortcut Keys
Ctrl + A
Select all text in a document
Ctrl + C
Copy the highlighted text or selected item
Ctrl + P
Print the selected item
Ctrl + S
Saving the working document
Ctrl + V
Paste the copied content or item
Ctrl + X
Cut the selected text or item
Ctrl + Z
Undo any changes
F1Get Universal help in any windows program
Alt + F
Open the File menu
Shift + Del
Erase something permanently
Alt + Tab
Switch between open programs
Ctrl + Alt + Tab
View open apps
Alt + Shift + D
Insert the current date
Alt + Shift + T
Insert the current time
Ctrl + F4
Close the active window

These are the top 15 most used keyboard shortcut keys.

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