Expressions in C

Expressions in C


Expressions in C are combinations of variables, constants, operators, and function calls that evaluate to a single value.

They are fundamental building blocks in C programming used for performing computations, manipulating data, and evaluating conditions.

Understanding expressions is crucial for writing effective and efficient C code.


// Program for Expressions in C

int main() {
    int a = 10, b = 20, result;
    // Binary Expression
    result = a + b * 2;  // (a + (b * 2))
    // Unary Expression
    result = -result;    // Unary Minus
    printf("Result: %d\n", result);  // Output: Result: -50
    return 0;


Result: -50

Types of Expressions in C 

1Primary Expressions:

Constants: 10, 'A', 3.14

Variables: a, b, result

Function Calls: printf(), scanf()

2Unary Expressions:

Unary Operator Expression: !a, -result, ++b

Primary Expression: (a), (result)

3Binary Expressions:

Binary Operator Expression: a + b, a * b, a == b

Unary Expression: -result, ++a

Understanding expressions and their types is essential for writing C code that performs complex computations, manipulates data efficiently, and evaluates conditions accurately.

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