printf and scanf in C
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Printf() and scanf() are essential elements in C for Input and Output Operations.
Both functions utilize formatted specifiers to structure the data.
printf is a function in C that assists in showing information on the screen.
It is used to display text, variables, and numbers in a specific format.
Syntax of printf():printf( const char *format, ....);Example:
int main()
printf("Hello, C Programming Language");
return 0;
Hello, C Programming Language
scanf() is a function in C that allows you to get Input From User.
It pauses until the user types something on the keyboard and then saves it in a variable for later use in the program.
It is a fundamental function in C to read the Input from the user.
Syntax of scanf():scanf("format specifier", &variable); // &variable refers to memory address of variable
Format specifiers are as follows:
1'%d ' is used to read the Integer From Input.
2'%c' is used to read a Single Character from the user.
3'%f' is used to read the Floating Point Number Input.
4'%u' is used to read an Unsigned Integer from the input.
For more details refer
// Example of printf and scanf
int main()
int num;
printf("Enter the number:");
printf("number is %d",num);
return 0;
Enter the number:12
number is 12

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