jQuery Events
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- To make a page dynamic and responsive, we need to perform some actions on the HTML DOM elements.
- These actions are called events.
- Although JavaScript has several built-in ways of reacting to user interaction and other events, jQuery enhances and extends the basic event handling mechanisms to give them a more elegant syntax and making them more powerful.
- Some examples of events are listed below:
- A mouse click
- Form submission
- Loading a web page
- Web page scrolling
- Pressing a key on the keyboard
- Mouse hover on an element
Related Topics:
jQuery Syntax
jQuery Selectors
jQuery Events
Some most useful HTML DOM events are listed below:
1 Mouse events:
- click
- dblclick
- mouseenter
- mouseleave
- keyup
- keydown
- keypress
- submit
- change
- blur
- focus
- load
- unload
- scroll
- resize
2 keyboard events:
3 form events:
4 Document/Window Events:
The syntax for events in jQuery:
In the jQuery library, there is an equal range of methods for most of the DOM events.
For example: if you want to assign a click event on a button, the syntax is like:
The next step defines what should happen when the event fires. You must pass a function to the event.
// action goes here!!
<title>jQuery Example</title>
<script type = "text/javascript"
<h2>jQuery events Example</h2>
<button class="bt">Click me to change the color of background</button>
After, click on the button,

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