How to insert PDF into Microsoft Word
by Sai Verma
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Who wouldn't have used MS Word? You might have used it for assignments in school, wrote a book during college days, or used it to Write a Resume/CV for your dream job. So we all have come across it.
Since MS-WORD comes handy for everyone, its usage difficulty level is easy, and no wonder why it is so popular. Microsoft has released many versions since 1983, with every release, they add new features that help us write documents in the maximum quality where only creativity is the limit.
Many features are available in ms-word like checking your spellings, inserting watermark, merging mails, and inserting PDF in your MS Word.
So at the end of this blog, you will learn how to insert pdf in MS Word. it is effortless. You might already know one of these methods, but it's good to know other ways as well. Let's see how to add pdf into Word.
There are several methods to insert a pdf in Word. Here’s the list of all different techniques which you can use all of them in the best suitable scenario:
- Using Insert Object tool.
- Using PDF converter to insert PDF to Word as JPEG
- Using the Link option.
- Insert PDF as a static image.
- Using the Adobe Acrobat.
- Copy the PDF file into Word.
- Insert text from a PDF file to Word
- Use Google Docs
"All these are different ways to insert pdf in Word, and these methods work on all the versions of ms word like word 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and Word for office 365."
Using insert Object Tool:
Step 1 Open MS-Word and open a blank document.
Step 2 Click the Insert tab on the menu bar.
Step 3 In the Text Section, Click on Object.
Step 4 In the Object dialog box, click the Create from File tab.
Step 5 Click Browse to locate the PDF file you want to insert.
Step 6 Click OK to embed the PDF into the Word document. You'll see the PDF appear on the selected page.
Using the Link Option:
Using this method, you will be able to insert pdf as a linked object, which means it will show a preview of pdf and be connected to the pdf file.
You can view the pdf by selecting the preview, and you can also make it visible as a preview or else as an icon. It is your wish how you want it to be displayed. However, as it is linked to the source file, any changes made to the source file will be affected in the Word file as well.
Step 1 Open Word and place your cursor where you'd like the PDF inserted as a linked object.
Step 2 Click the Insert tab on the menu bar.
Step 3 Under the Text Section, click Object.
Step 4 Select Create From File tab in the Object dialog box.
Step 5 Click Browse and choose the PDF file you want to insert.
Step 6 Click Link to File to insert the shortcut.
Step 7 Click Display as Icon if you want the file inserted as an icon instead of a preview (first page).
Using PDF as a Static Image:
By using this method, you can convert your PDF document into a static image and then insert it into your Word document as an image. The only disadvantage is that you can’t edit the text because it is in an image format. We can't edit the text in a snap. Can we?
Now how do we convert a pdf file into an image file? It's easy; actually, you need a tool to convert pdf to jpg, or else you can also try taking a screenshot of pdf using a screen snipping tool or inbuilt screenshot app with your OS.
Open Word and place the cursor where you’d like the image inserted.
Step 1 Click the Insert tab on the menu bar.
Step 2 Click Picture to open the Insert Picture dialog box.
Step 3 Locate the JPG file where you saved it last, and click Insert to insert the image in your Word document.
Using Adobe Acrobat:
- Install and Open Adobe Acrobat and click Export PDF.
- Select the format you want to convert the file to (docx) click Export.
- Drag and drop or Insert the converted file into your Word by using the First method
- If you prefer to insert the file as an image, you can open it in Adobe Acrobat and click Save As or Save As Other and select your preferred image format (JPG, PNG, TIFF etc.). Acrobat will convert each page into an image file that you can insert into the Word document.
Step 1Open your PDF file.
Step 2Place your cursor on the text and long-press the mouse's left button and select the text; after selecting press ctrl+c.
Step 3Open Word and press Ctrl+V to paste the text you want on the document.
Using text from a PDF file to Word:
You can import some part of text from your PDF file by using the Insert Object tool and paste the text in Word file, but it cannot copy the original formatting so that you may notice a small difference.
Step 1Open Word and locate your cursor where you want to paste the text
Step 2Click the Insert tab on the menu bar.
Step 3 Under Text group, click the down arrow next to Object.
Step 4 Select Text From File.
Step 5 In the Insert File dialog box, select the PDF file you want to insert text from and click Insert.
The text from the PDF file will appear in Word once it is converted.
You can also use abode acrobat, Word 2013, and Word 2016 to open the PDF in Edit mode, where you can easily copy and paste the text.
Use Google Docs:
Open Google Docs and click File Upload, then select your PDF file.
Once it's uploaded, right-click the PDF file and select Open with ->> Google Docs.
The PDF is now inserted into Google Docs. You can copy and paste the Word document, edit it, and then download it as a Microsoft Word file. Click File -> Download -> Microsoft Word.
But there are few cons for this method that you should know; it's a bit slow while uploading your pdf, it has file limits to the file size, it cannot copy the original formatting as in the PDF file.
Use PDF converter to insert PDF to Word as an Image:
There are a ton of software and websites that convert PDF to JPG for free. You can check out different websites, and the website I'm going to use and recommend is Smallpdf. Due to awesome easy UI and processing speed. But you can use your desired website.
Open the website and select the Option PDF to JPG.
- Click choose files and select the PDF you want to upload and click convert
- After conversion, you can add the jpg to the word document.
I hope now you learned how to insert a PDF file into your MS Word. You can use any method that works best for you and if you have any doubts, feel free to mention in the comments sections.

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